I have fallen in love again. Head over heels in love. I am so sorry Josh. I just keep falling in love and finding new boyfriends and poor Josh has to stand back and watch as I am smitten with another man. I've gone and done it again. Meet my newest love obsession:
Yes, it's a boy!!!! And no, his name is not Feet. I put that there to indicate where his feet are in this picture. Clear above his head. He is literally folded in half. The u/s tech was getting a kick out of that. I was falling in love. Isn't he cute?! Boy was he a stinker for her. He likes to live way, way down in my belly and he did not want to come up higher thank you very much no matter what she did.
A couple people I have talked to have sort of tried to console me that it's ok that it's another boy. No need for that. I am so over the moon excited and so in love with this little man already. I am just happy to have a healthy little guy. (Hopefully-no call from the Dr. saying anything was wrong on the u/s-we have had phone calls on the past 2.)
And phew-what a relief! I won't have to change the title of my blog. I am still "Amber and the Boys." Lucky lady.
And just for the sake of my mother and others who ask but don't get to see, I snapped a shot of myself today-19 weeks 3 days pregnant. (Though the little guy measures 5 days ahead-with his head being the biggest part-oh goodie for me.)
(Just for the record, it's been 32 years since a girl was born in my family-that was me.) It looks like this is grandson #7 for my parents, #5 for my in laws, and both sets of great-grandparents have nothing but boys either. It wasn't too hard to guess what this one was going to be.) :)