Sunday, August 9, 2009

So many posts, so little time

I am so behind on blogging right now, and really, on life in general. Let's just say that being a stay at home mom to three kids during the summer while also trying to run a business that is going really well right now and is super busy because of back to school is sort of kicking my butt. Add in 2 doctors appts. with all three kids in tow and 1 dentist appt. with all three kids in tow along with the usual day to day stuff in the past week and basically I feel like I am barely keeping my head above water.

OK, the truth is that I don't HAVE to take the boys to the beach, swimming and camping all in one day and you know, then things might be a little easier, but where's the fun in that? Gotta make the most of the end of summer (moan! I don't want summer to end).

So anyway, several posts about the past few weeks are coming, but here is just one.

In Denver (which is one of the coming posts) we had pictures taken. They went reasonably well-ok, quite well really although my expectations might have been a little high. We love to go to Portrait Innovations while we are there and decided to go all out and get lots of pictures again this year. So here are a few for your looking enjoyment.

Dal, the little stinker, would not sit still for a picture. But, that actually meant we got a few cute "action" shots. Here he is about to get up, but looking like he is posing nicely: And then he was running away, but what a fun picture:

My little Jack. Oh, I have to mention-as some of you may know, Jack, in general does not get dressed. If he had his way he would have been wearing his Darth Vader pajamas for this picture, but of course, mom wouldn't let him. But, he had nothing to wear that matched what the rest of us had, so immediately prior to the pictures I ran in Target and grabbed the one and only shirt I could find that had blue in it to match what the rest of us were wearing. And, on a whim I decided to grab a pair of matching shorts, knowing that he probably wouldn't wear them but figuring I could return them if he refused. I got to the car and showed him the outfit, fully prepared to bribe him to wear it if necessary and he screamed in joy and wanted to put in on immediately. And he didn't take it off for two days. This is the one and only outfit Jack will wear. And isn't he handsome in in:

Nathan-wish I could have gotten a pic with a genuine Nathan grin because they are so endearing but I still think he looks handsome:
The three boys, looking moderately happy to be having their picture taken. Funny that Jack is the one with the smile on his face. If you have seen last year's version, you know why this is unusual:

And the group. Same shot as last year, just different clothes and we are a year older:

Don't they all look so innocent in this one:

And I loved this shot of Jack. He looks so happy. We didn't buy this one because I am not a fan of the phony beach background. I mean, I live in San Diego (and happen to know the world's greatest photographer) so why would I want a phony beach background, but still, doesn't he look cute?

And last, my favorite picture of the bunch. Now this is reality. This is what a family is really like. And no, this is not staged. We bought this one in a huge 11x13 size and yes, we are going to mount it on the wall:


  1. CLASSIC! That last photo is hilarious. :) And the one of Dallen running is so dang cute I can't even believe it. And I cracked up out loud at the story about Jack's outfit.

  2. That is a hilarious picture! And about Jack and the outfit. Did you know that Rachel went through a stage in 3rd grade where she would ONLY wear sweatsuits? Yes, I did say sweatsuits. Mom was so desperate to make her presentable that she started "jazzing them up" by sewing buttons and ribbons on them. haha!

  3. You got some great pictures! I love that you are going to put the last one up on your wall... very cool.

    Like I said on facebook, you are amazing. Being able to juggle three kids and a business is a lot, and the fact that everyone is alive and [somewhat] happy is a tribute to the fact that you are one amazing person!

  4. I am laughing my head off right now! That last picture is priceless. And I am shocked that Jack is the one smiling in that one picture. I remember last year's version with Josh's headache and induced grimace and Jack's relatively displeased face. You've got to love family pictures. We're going to get some pretty soon this year too now that Danny is almost one.

  5. I love all the pics! Dallin is such a cutie, I love his big grin :) I can totally picture Jack getting excited about his clothes and insisting to put them on right away. He is a hoot.

  6. I love the pictures Amber. Andrew was standing here waving at your pictures as I looked at this post so he must think you look friendly. LOVE the last one, and that it's the one you're using. Why not embrace reality, right?
