Thursday, February 11, 2010

I have a problem.

Hi, my name is Amber and I am addicted to two things-to baking and chocolate. And of course those two things go hand in hand. And it is getting worse. I just can't help it.

When I put on this:

and discover sites like this: Bakerella

This teach me to create things like this:

I just can't stop myself. Every single day I want to bake something. I just love it. I love to bake with my kids. Or, if my kids aren't around then I turn on the music and dance or listen to an audio book and just lose myself in baking. I love it. But the scale is starting to rebel. (I am hoping that has more to do with the fact that I didn't exercise for 3 weeks while recovering from surgery than my chocolate intake...)

What to do? The obvious solution (other than to just stop baking but where's the fun in that?) is to take the baked goods to friends-which I do. Quite often. But, the problem is that I have to sample while I bake right? Sigh.

I did manage to make it through the entire day yesterday without chocolate crossing my lips. And that includes resisting the chocolate candy filled package my mother in law sent us. That's something right?


  1. Yes. That IS something. More than I can do, that's for sure!!!

  2. I have the same problem. You need to try the s'more cupcakes off of bakerella. They are pretty darn yummy! :)

  3. I have nothing to suggest. I have an extension of your illness. It's not so much the love of baking as it is the love of BAKED GOODS! Yum!

  4. Oh my word. bakerella is amazing! And I love the cake balls!

    Thanks for coming out of blurkdom to comment! You should totally submit something for sew & tell!!!
