Sunday, July 11, 2010

A New Bed

One night I got home from YW or something and Josh said that Jack was hoping I would come upstairs and kiss him goodnight. I ran up the stairs and into his room where I expected to find him sleeping on the top bunk. But he wasn't there. Weird. Nathan was asleep on the bottom, but no Jack. Then I heard a little voice behind me..."hi mom!" I turned around and there he was-all curled up in a box with his pillows and blankets.

I questioned him on it. "Are you really going to fall asleep in there?" He assured me he was, so I kissed him and left him in his little nest.

When I came to check on him at my own bedtime this is what I found:

Kind of cozy huh? (We moved him to his real bed at this point.)


  1. That is so funny. I just took a picture of James sleeping last night to put on our blog. I love going and checking on him before we go to bed because it usually brings a good laugh. We never know what we are going to find.

  2. SUPER CUTE! Good parenting moment, too. I like how you give them freedom and creative opportunities.

  3. That is so adorable. And awesome. Love that Jack. :o)
