It's been quite a while since I had a chance to sit down and update our blog. We have now officially moved. We aren't in San Diego yet but we have left Madison. Well, Josh goes back to Madison on Wednesday to load up the truck, but the rest of us are gone.
We left Sunday after church and drove for about 10 hours. The boys did fantastic! The portable dual DVD player has been worth every penny so far. Even Dallen did great in the car. The only time her really cried was for the last 30 minutes or so on Monday.
We got to Denver Monday about noon. Since then we have been having lots of fun. My whole family is in town so there are lots of people and lots to be done. We have been boating, been to the cabin in the mountains, been mini golfing, swimming, played lots of games, eaten way too much junk, etc. The boys are in heaven because they have all these uncles here who love to play with them. I feel like I have barely seen my boys this week because they are always off playing with someone. I am glad they (and all of us) are getting a chance to just relax and have fun because the last month really has been rough on them.
We will stay in Denver for another week or so and then go to Utah for a few days and then on to San Diego. I can't find the computer cord for my camera so I have no pictures right now but once I find it (which may not be till San Diego?) I will upload some pictures.