Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Crazies

Ok, ok, I know that what the grandmas really want is not to see pictures of things I have baked or sewn or created this week, but of the cute little people I live with on a daily basis.

These kids keep me laughing. This week Jack and I watched Women's figure skating together (I taped it and watched it the next day) and he loved it. He was quite taken with the sparkly, flashy outfits the girls wore.

When the Hungarian skater came out we had a conversation that went like this:
Jack: Oh she is pretty! If she was real I would marry her.
Mom: She is real-what do you mean?
Jack: The Olympics are real?
Mom: Yes, they are going on in Canada right now.
Jack: Well, if I could get to Canada, I would marry her.

She was wearing pink. That's probably what did it for her. For the rest of the show he kept asking "mom, is that my wife?" I loved it.

Then, he started skating around the tile floor, twisting, jumping, turning and falling, because he was an ice skater.
After that glorious conversation I went upstairs because I needed to wake Dallen up so we could go get Nathan from school. And this is what I found:Little nut! He was in a deep sleep-standing up with his back on a teddy bear. How can he sleep like that!? (I am also happy to report too that after taking a camera class last week I am managing my fancy new camera much better and was pleased to get a clear picture in his completely dark room.)

Also, Dal has started speaking in full sentences and stringing them together. It is a weird feeling to have him conversing with me. One of our favorites is when he says something along the lines of "I want lunch! It's Sooooooooooooooooo yummy!"

And Snood is Snood. I hope I never, ever forget this smile:
That other tooth is about to fall out in front. I can't wait. Today he has been Willy Wonka all day and has led us all around his factory. That kid has an awesome imagination.

One last thing-I love being the mom of three little boys. My little boy friends. I love it when they bring me flowers (and I happened to have my camera in my hands at the moment because I was practicing):


  1. You did it! That last picture looks awesome!!! Now I want a nice camera. Dang it.

    By the way, Sam was sitting next to me and reading over my shoulder, and we both DIED laughing at the Dal picture. Oh my gosh. He is hilarious.

    And I am so sad that ice skating is over!!!

  2. Great story for Jack- you can tell it on his wedding day- ha ha :-) I love funny sleeping pictures- Dallen is in a toddler bed? Wow! And he still takes naps? Andrew hasn't even tried to get out of his crib- I hope he stays in it forever.

  3. What kind of camera did you get? I loved this post, by the way!

  4. That picture of Dallin in hilarious! (And I am EXTREMELY impressed that it was taken in the dark!!! The last pic is super cool as well.) Love the ice skating story. Classic.

  5. I remember practicing ice skating on our hard wood floor as a kid. I was very disappointed when my mom told me I would never be a figure skater.

    Great post.

  6. Well, now you have me all concerned, because Christopher still hates girls. He has, however, accepted the fact that he "has to marry a girl so I can have kids," so at least there's that :). Anyway, Jack and the Ice Skater is a great story!
