Sunday, May 9, 2010


A couple of Saturdays I left in the afternoon to go to the temple. It's always nice to go to the temple, but it is even better when you come home to this:Aaaaaargh! Nathan was gone all day that day, and I do mean all day (8 hours to be exact) to a birthday party and Jack was missing him quite a bit. But never fear, Dad had some great tricks up his sleeve. These pirate ensembles were created by Josh off the cuff and the bunk bed was their ship. Pretty impressive and SO much fun.

Incidentally, is the aaaaargh a pirate says pronounced with a hard g sound at the end or is it just a long, drawn out "are" sound? I always made the g sound at the end and just recently realized that typically the gh in a word (such as sight or right) is silent. Have I been saying it wrong all these years?


  1. What a fun Dad! An 8 hour long birthday party? Who ever heard of such a thing?! Who ever wanted to HOST such a thing?!

  2. How fun! The white hats--towels or underwear? The way that Dallen's chin appears in the picture makes him look like he has a five o'clock shadow, perfectly complimenting the pirate ensemble! I love Jack's hat!

  3. Dont worry, Jack can empathise with you.
