Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Thoughts on Motherhood

I will admit it-this is Mother's Day was one of those days on which I am grateful to be a mother...when my boys are asleep! They weren't necessarily on their best behavior today and I am glad that they are upstairs in dreamland right now (actually, I expect Jack will be out of his room any minute now wanting something).

But, in spite of that, they were sweet and they gave me nice snuggles and they drew me some great pictures today. And, the highlight of my day was watching them sing to me in church. This was Jack's first time singing in front with the primary and it was priceless. Nathan and Jack put their arms around each other as they walked up and got positioned on the stand. And then there was this adorable Sunbeam in a pink polo shirt with a big smile saved just for his mom smiling over the top of the ledge (he stole the show I thought) and the sweet bigger boy who had the look on his face of a boy who wants to sing all the words and impress his mom but at that moment can't seem to remember any of them. And then, when it was all over, they held hands and with huge grins on their faces made their way to me and gave me great big hugs. It's moments like that that I hope I can remember forever.

And, it is moments like that that make motherhood the amazing blessing that it is. Lately I have been thinking about what an amazing gift motherhood is. In heaven before we came here, we were all equals-all spirit children of our Heavenly Father, all progessing in heaven and needing to come to Earth to learn more. And when all is said and done we will all be adults who have been to Earth, learned what we need to and hopefully will live with Him again forever.

In fact, in just a few short years my boys will be grown men who again are my equals, my companions and my friends. But for now they are children. Children who giggle infectiously. Children who pretend to be Superman, space guys, and penguins. Children who smear chocolate all over their faces when they eat a cookie, who love to lick the beaters, who say funny things, who find joy in the simple things, who dance in the kitchen with no inhibition, who dig in the dirt and play with the bugs, and who bring a million moments of joy into my life. And for this short time I get to spend each and every day with them and treasure those small moment and to help shape them into the adults that they will become. And then they will be adults and those childhood moments will be passed (hopefully leaving wonderful memories and wonderful grown men in their wake). How amazing is it that I get to experience their childhood? What an amazing gift childhood is. For all those moments I am so grateful and I try, everyday, to treasure them and to enjoy the childhood that is my gift from a loving Heavenly Father.
Here are some samples of those sweet moments that make it all worthwhile:

This is the sweetest thing ever. Dallen's "Mama Song"


  1. Very Sweet! And your boys are just as lucky to have you as you are to have them!

  2. What a great post. We are so lucky to be mothers!

  3. I love how you take the time to enjoy the boys' childhood. I often get caught up in the "dinner, bath, book, bed" routine, that I forget to slow down and have fun. Reminds me of that story from one of Pres. Monson's conference talks: The circus keeps coming back, but childhood doesn't. And I am so lucky to have you as the mother of my three boys!

  4. What a sweet post. I was trying to find my own boys on the stand on Sunday, so it was fun to hear how sweet yours were. Brothers are the best. Motherhood is great... even on the trying days I can always look back at some special moment I had with them. You made me tear up when you said in a few years they will be grown. We really do have to treasure these moments that we have with them. So I should get off the computer and play with Isaac :P

  5. Oh, and I loved the "Mamma" song. And I love that when you asked him to sing it again, he said he already did :)

  6. Your boys are adorable. They make me smile, I miss them and you.
