Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Revolution

This morning Jack mentioned his New Year's "Revolution." I got a kick out of that. Yes, let's have a revolution, not just a simple resolution or a goal. And for Jack and his goal for this year-set by me :)-it might just take that. Jack's goal this year is to stop saying mean words. We'll see how that goes. :)

But anyway, I have a great resolution this year-a theme for my year, and here it is:

I will learn to say no to the things that don't matter so that I can say yes to the things that do.

I am too prone to saying yes to everything. Usually though, the yes is to myself and my big ideas that I am forever coming up with. They are always good ideas (or at least I think so), but on the grand scheme of things they aren't the things that matter most and I am starting to feel stretched too thin, so I will learn to say no when it doesn't matter so that I can say yes when it does.

This will take some work for me because I still want to be the person I want to be-someone who others can turn to for help, someone who serves. I just need to make sure that the things I take the time to do for others are the things that matter most.

I set a goal for Nathan too. Am I allowed to set goals for other people? :) He will stop sucking his thumb this year. I warned him weeks ago. We agreed-I would stop nagging him about it and he could suck all he wanted, until Jan. 1st. And then it's cold turkey. I caught him sucking it once today and put Tabasco sauce on it. He was not happy. :) Mean mom.


  1. Would you believe that I made nearly the exact same goal with almost the exact wording? Mine reads, "I will say no to the things that don't matter as much so I can say yes to the things that do." Those big ideas are fun, so we'll see how I do.

  2. Hey Amber... I hope one day I don't wake up and realize I had it all wrong with this no thing. LOL! :)

  3. I too have a problem with saying yes. And you're's often to myself, the perfectionist.

    I like this quote by Elder Uchtdorf: "A wise man once distinguished between the noble art of getting things done and the nobler art of leaving things undone...True wisdom in life consists of the elimination of non-essentials...What are the non-essential things that clutter your days and steal your time? What are the habits you may have developed that do not serve a useful purpose?"

    Good advice!

    You're the best, Ambi!
