Sunday, October 26, 2008


It snowed in Madison last night I am told. I miss my friends dearly, but I don't miss that! Still, I think I could put up with a little snow to see my friends again!

No complaints about the weather here though. Last night we had the ward Trunk or Treat. First of all it seemed almost silly to be having corn bread and soup or chili because it was warm outside! Of course I love it because it is a perfect fall meal, but it just seemed a little unfitting with the weather. Then, it seemed wrong to be going outside to trunk or treat and not wearing a heavy coat, hats, gloves, boot, and the works. I think probably all but 1 year of the trunk or treat in Madison it was freezing outside for it. I will admit, the warm weather was nice-oh and the palm trees around the church swaying softly in the breeze, the sound of the ocean in the distance... Am I making any of you Madison friends want to come and visit? We have a very comfortable couch. :) (You couldn't actually hear the ocean in the distance, but you could drive 5-10 miles and be there-am I tempting anyone?)

Anyway, the boys had a great time at the trunk or treat. We took our neighbor and her son who is Nathan's age and that was great. I think she had a really fun time. The funny thing was that when we pulled up to the church she said "I have been here before-I came to church here with a friend a couple of times!" Apparently she had a Mormon friend who invited her to church a few times years back but she didn't realize that it was the same church till we got there.

The boys were Batman, Superman and Robin. I made the costumes, I always do. But this year I put thought into it-why do I make the costumes? I probably could have bought all the costumes for less $ than I spent making them. My mother made all of my costumes, Josh's mom made all of his. So perhaps it is just the tradition. But then, as I was sewing them last Sat. afternoon the real reason hit me. Nathan sat next to me watching me create Batman from nothing and my "cool mom" factor increased dramatically as each part of the costume came together. He was enthralled at my ability to turn a pair of grey sweats and a pile of black fabric into a genuine Batman ensemble and it was fun for me to watch the magic of it all through his eyes. Both Nathan and Jack have spent quite a bit of time in their costumes already and I know they will use them for years to come. But most importantly, I am a cool mom.

Dal's little friend was batman and we thought it was too cute that we had a little batman and robin so we got a picture:

And I found this picture on my camera. I think Jack was complaining about something so I snapped his picture. This is the Jack I know and love, the Jack's whose attitude I get to bash heads with everyday. This picture just sums up Jack so well. I love him (maybe in part because he might get some of that stubborness from you know who...)


  1. I am soooo not a cool mom. :( Love Jack's confused expression! Too classic!

  2. I didn't see the snow last night but I certainly saw it on and off today. Nothing that sticks to the ground or anything but snow nevertheless. You know you miss it!

    We miss you too. I wore the bracelet you made me yesterday and thought about you all day. I was wondering about the home-made costumes and what the halloween fun would be for you all this year.

    Oh, and don't worry, we all know what a great guy Josh is. I think you are both lucky to have each other. You guys are amazing.

  3. Gosh...your weather DOES sound great! It actually snowed about an hour ago! Luckily the weather is supposed to be in the 50's by the ward trunk or treat. But I imagine it was much warmer for you guys! :)

  4. SOooooooo cute! Really wish I could sew sometimes. I usually blame my mother for his oversight, because she sewed all my costumes, halloween, dance, choir, etc....and never taught me, but now I'm thinking I should blame you a bit too. I mean, how much was I around you?? : P Ha,just kidding!
