Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Essence of Boyhood

This is a post I have had written in my head for a week and a half now and I am just now getting it up.

Two Saturdays ago I was up bright and early with the boys who were playing in the garage, when to our wonder we heard the sound of a truck backing up. Upon further exploration (opening the garage) we discovered a cement mixer pouring a new patio at the neighbor's house right across the street. We quickly parked ourselves on the driveway (joined shortly by our neighbors to the right who also have a little boy) and watched in awe.

The excitement of the morning carried on as we then moved on to making our own concrete and building buildings...
In full costume...


  1. Bob the Builder meets Marvel meets scuba cool. Reminds me of a tub we found when we were moving. It was labeled "unders of all sizes, leotards, and super hero cape." Basically a super hero costume in a box.

  2. Those pix remind me of another little boy -- about 24+ years ago. It does my heart good to see such delight!

  3. I love how they wrap their arms around each other for pictures. They really are best friends. I love their costumes, as always ;)
