Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What do YOU like about Josh?

Happy birthday to the best guy in the world! Josh is the big 3-0 today! Yippeeee!

Josh and I were having a discussion recently about good husbands, him being the tip of the top, best husband there is. Friends sometimes post about their husband being the best and I always feel sorry for them because I know the truth-I got the best. :) Actually I think several of my friends who have posted about their hubbies recently have great ones-yes Rachel, Ryan seems like a dream, Shannon-your hubby building that photo thing for you rocked, and Sarah, you caught a great man!

But anyway, I want to celebrate my wonderful husband today because he has made the past 30 years on Earth better for me (ok well, I have only known that he was making my life better for what-dang, how long have we known each other? Um, 12 years?) but certainly for his mom and dad for the whole 30, his sister for 25 of them and lots of other people's lives when they have gotten to know him.

So, here are some of the things I love most about Josh:

1. He knows this but I have to say it. The most important thing that I love about Josh is that he is so very kind to others. I could never imagine Josh being unkind to anyone really-never a mean word or even a rude tone of voice. He is even always kind to me-always. To me this is the most important quality a man could have and Josh has it in abundance. (Probably why I was attracted to him.)

2. Josh is what I think of as Pure in Heart. He never intends to do wrong and literally wants nothing more than to choose the right. He is so hard on himself-thinking that he is always messing up and that he is imperfect but I know the truth. First of all that he is pretty close to perfect and second of all that his heart is always in the right place and that is what counts the most.

3. He rocks as a dad. Daddy knock over game is a tradition in our family that I know the boys will remember all their lives. I also love how he is always teaching them something-they do science experiments together or he explains how something works. Same is true for the gospel-always teaching them something. Plus, did you know that he has made up a whole series of stories about Hubert the Traveling Monarch Butterfly and his little brothers Philbert and Eggbert that he tells Nathan and Jack at night when they are going to bed? And Dal adores him-leaps up from wherever he is in the house when Josh walks through the door and comes "running" saying "daddy, daddy."

4. He is super smart. But you all know that. Not just in chemistry and things though but in a lot of areas. I like to tease him because he listens to BYU religion class podcasts while he drives and is always telling me things like "speaking of that, did you know in Jeremiah it says..." I tease him about it but the truth is that he is more knowledgable about the scriptures than anyone I know!

5. He is a really hard worker. He is up at 5 to leave for work every day but also does things like emptying the trash or the dishwasher before he leaves. He takes almost weekly trips to the temple lately, helps clean up after dinner/bed, makes Nathan's lunches, fold laundry, etc. He certainly is no slacker-he is amazing! And he lives on not too much sleep!

Josh, I love you.

Now, what do YOU like about Josh? Post a comment and tell him something you like about him. And don't leave him hanging. If there aren't many comments on my blog today he is going to feel sad! :)


  1. It's me, Nathan. Um, I like you dad. What I like about you is daddy dates and wrestling. Me and Jack like you. Happy birthday dad!

  2. I like hearing him play the piano!

  3. Josh is an excellent example to all of us because of all the ways he serves others.

  4. I like that Josh calls me Cousin Laura. I know that is just a silly thing, but it makes me feel so welcome and comfortable around him, even though we really hadn't had THAT much interaction before I moved here. I also think that Josh is amazingly laid back. I love watching him interact with the boys (especially at church) because he just deals with the problems and doesn't stress--I need to learn that skill and he will be an example.

  5. You do have a great man! He was probably the best Home Teacher we've ever had, and we miss his visits now. Happy 30th Josh!

  6. I like that josh tries so hard to fit in with us in everything we do when you come to vist. He almost kills himself either waterskiing or skiing and ends up hurting for several days or weeks after but he doesnt complain and just does it. Josh we know you are a man and you dont have to try to impress any of us especailly Doug anymore you have proven yourself to us many times

  7. I liked pretty much everything about Josh from the first time I met him. As a parent, you always hope that your child will marry someone wonderful and kind and patient and loving and fun to be around, etc. Amber definitely hit the jackpot!! We are so very glad to have Josh as a son-in-law.
    Thanks for making our family better Josh. Happy Birthday!! You're getting OLD!

  8. I love that Josh is so sweet and just has such an innocent and happy aura about him. He is a great guy. I loved that when Nathan was born he didn't mind a bit that I hung around your place wanting to hold him to cheer me up when my mom was really sick. Having now had my first baby I realize that is a very stressful and overwhelming time period, but I always felt welcome in your home. (Thanks to you too, obviously.) I also like how he has embraced our whole extended family as his own. He is very good to his "cousins" and seems very genuinely attached to my mother's memory. I appreciate that immensely.

  9. I love how friendly Josh is. Right from the start he was so nice and inviting to our family. We also will never forget him coming over to help us move in on New Year's Eve night! That was SO thoughtful of him!

  10. The things I love about Josh are (1) he takes his sons camping - even though he doesn't know much about camping, (2) he is genuinely humble - to the extent that he doesn't know how great he is, and (3) he's the only one who gets all my jokes. Happy Birthday! Love, Dad

  11. I love how Josh is kind, considerate, and thoughtful to the women in his life. He's lots of fun to be around and knows how to laugh and have a good time. I think he's the best guy ever and I'm proud to have him for a son! Happy Birthday -- Love, Mom

  12. Josh is what our family would call a "Dedo" (delightful dork), and that is a great compliment in the Westover house. (All of the Westover girls married Dedos too!) He is such a dear, good man--and so smart and excited about learning. When I read your post Amber, I have to agree, you DID marry the best man. I think he might even top Ryan! (But Ryan has four years to catch up to Josh's caliber!) :)

    I also said to Ryan, and I was serious, "I think Josh will be a General Authority someday!" He has the work ethic, spirituality, and intelligence of those incredible men.

    We love you, Josh, and look up to you!

  13. I have to agree with Rachel, I don't know who Rachel is, but I agree with her nonetheless! We think Josh is definately General Authority material. He is just so good and kind. And Amber, you're not so bad yourself! I think you fit each other just perfectly!

  14. I love Josh because we can quote lines from movies and songs ad infinitum. Even still he always puts on a show for his little sister, and I still egg him on. It's great fun. And he's so nice. Speaking of inside jokes, in the words of Clueless George the goat:

    "And he's wonderful..."
    (and precious)
    "And precious..."
    (and he's beautiful)
    "And he's beautiful..."
