Monday, September 28, 2009

Bodily Functions

The other night at dinner Nathan and Jack were repeatedly making gross body noises in typical boy fashion. I finally said "the next boy to make a bodily function noise is going up to his bed." They asked what a "bodily function noise" is and I explained that I meant burping or farting. The minute I finished saying this Dallen let one rip-a big one!


  1. I cracked up laughing at that image. Did you send him to bed? :)

  2. That is funny!! LOL. Never a dull moment with boys. :-)

  3. Haha! Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I look forward to many "bodily noises" in my future with my little boy. :)

  4. PERFECT! So did he get sent to bed even though he's the littlest one? Good thing it wasn't daddy!

  5. I thought you were going to say that you let out a bodily noise!! But even better, it was Dal!!

  6. Amber - I am glad I have at least one boy!!! We are just moving to Verona. We bought a house, so we'll be here for a while!
