Sunday, September 20, 2009


Nathan drew a cute little picture of him and me with a heart between us that said "I love mommy, she loves me, we are a happy family." My favorite part was the big thing sticking up from my head that was supposed to be a ponytail.

But I gotta say, for the past month Josh and I have been really focusing on seeking out the positive in our lives-looking for what is right about a situation, not what has gone wrong. Looking for what the kids did well, instead of what they lack, and making sure to tell them. Seeing what is good in our lives instead of what we are missing. And now we are a really happy family.

I am shocked by the amount of happiness that has filled our home since we started this. Sure the boys still fight and whine, but we let it roll off our backs and tell them what we appreciate about them and the tone of our house is completely different than it was just over a month ago.

Nathan is no longer whining and complaining about his life-instead he is helping out around the house, being a great big brother, and I think he knows we are proud of him. Jack is making better choices and Dal, well, he still whines a lot but he is thrilled to be a part of this family-especially when his big brothers play games like naked superhero with him (yes, that really is a game they play-post bath-with their hooded towels on). Anyway, life is good at our house when we all seek out what is right, find Joy in the Journey or Be of Good Cheer.

That and reading the scriptures first thing in the morning...Josh and I have made a deal with each other to do that and wow-what a difference.


  1. Naked superheroes. Now THAT is what I call a game!

  2. Good for you! I really applaud a good dose of positivity :) I think it does wonders. Your mannerism sounds just like it's straight out of Reviving Ophelia! So, when are you going to post a pic of you with a ponytail really on top of your head? :) Naked superheroes a waist-up picture needs to be captured and saved for the boys' wives to see someday!
