Saturday, January 21, 2012


In the scriptures the number 7 often symbolizes perfection. Adam is 7 months old. And has achieved perfection. I just don't think they come any cuter than this: (Slight bias acknowledged, but come on, this is CUTE!!)

 I love it when he sucks on his lower lip like this:

This is probably one of my new all time favorite pictures ever. I love how he looks like he is up to something:
 And our 7 month laundry basket shot:

What Adam is up to:

Still tiny. I tried weighing him on my postage scale the other day and I think he is about 14 pounds now. He seems to be having a growth spurt this week though and will not stop eating. He ate 3 containers of baby food today on top of tons of milk.

He can sit up but he doesn't sit up. It's like he has the muscle power but not the desire, so he just doesn't. I think it is coming soon though. Dr. said that as a preemie he has until 8 1/2 months to sit and still be within the normal range.

He loves to eat all his baby food. The only thing he hasn't liked is peas. I tried biter biscuits recently and apparently they don't make the really hard suck on till the are just a wet mess kind anymore. I handed him one and within seconds he bit a piece off. Bummer. We will have to wait on those I guess.

He has no teeth yet.

He has started doing a fake laugh that is so funny. He does it all the time lately. He also makes kind of a purring sound when he is looking at someone he likes. Very sweet. He is squealing and talking a lot more all of a sudden. I am working on getting him to learn the ma ma sound. :) No luck so far.

I love him.


  1. I never noticed before how red his hair looks. Is it red or am I going crazy? Matthew has red hair- so cute! Happy 7 months Adam!!

  2. So sweet and so darling! His hair does look a little red! He's darling!
