Friday, August 14, 2009

The Day that Nathan was in Charge

Yesterday Nathan filed some complaints with the management around here, so as a result, he was put in charge for the day.

I went into it wondering how I could best manage things to make this day a learning experience for him. It felt like one of those things that truly profound mothers do to their children to help them learn, to shape them into the people they want them to be. But I felt at a loss as to what exactly being in charge should involve that would really teach Nathan.

Josh and I ran through some potential scenarios last night so I could be prepared.

When we got up today and Jack asked for breakfast I reminded him that Nathan was in charge and to ask him. And then I politely asked for my breakfast as well. After his jaw dropping, he got to work...and we had cereal for breakfast (we are normally a waffle family).

When Jack needed a drink, help coloring his picture, when Dallen woke up and needed his breakfast, I referred everyone to Nathan. Not what he had in mind for his being in charge day, but he did it with a smile on his face. Although he did mention, just an hour after getting up that he was ready to be done being in charge. I didn't let him off the hook.

We were going to go to the beach today, but Nathan decided that wasn't in the cards for the day so we stayed home-all day. Not something we usually do. He made us lunch, he retrieved chairs and drinks, he settled arguments. I was impressed.

And in the end, what did he learn? I don't know. I think he enjoyed the experience way more than I wanted him to.

But, what did mom learn? I learned that Nathan really likes to feel like he is in charge of his life. He was absolutely good today. No fighting. No whining. No complaining.

I learned that both Nathan and Jack can and will do more for themselves than I usually let them. When Jack needed a chair at lunch I told him to ask Nathan and instead he shrugged his shoulders and went and got it himself! I think I do too many of the little things for them.

I learned that sometimes my boys just want to stay home and be slobs for a day. Sure the beach would have been fun. It was our last chance to do beach day before Nathan goes back to school. But staying at home was fun too and there was no mad rush out the door, no scrambling to find the sunscreen, flip flops, and towels, no telling the boys to strap into their car seats 34 times, and no sand in my van on the way home.

I guess some days are like that. I guess some days mom learns more than the kids.


  1. That is such a good idea Amber! What a cutie.

  2. That is awesome!! You are an amazing mom. I have to file that idea away and use it some time!

  3. Can I borrow this idea? You two are awesome parents! I love reading all your good parenting techniques! Pure brilliance!

  4. And don't forget that with Nathan in charge, you were able to bail me out and let my kids be slobs with yours! :0) It was a little miracle moment for me what with having to find a babysitter that last minute!
