Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Very Best of Friends

In Madison (ah, sweet Madison-how I miss thee), anyway, in Madison we had some wonderful , wonderful friends. We spent everyday together (save a few here and there) and sometimes we were together in the morning and then again in the afternoon.

Nanci (also dubbed my "girlfriend" by our husbands because we spent so much time together or talking on the phone) was simply one of those people that I just clicked with. A "bosom friend" to put it in Anne of Green Gables terms. Always happy and positive, always busy making the world a better place, a great mom and so easy to talk to. One of those people who is so close to perfect you almost want to hate them-but of course you don't because they are so darn nice. Of course I wanted to spend time with her!

And then there was the convenient fact that she had 2 little boys-who were 3 and 1 when they moved into the ward-the same ages as mine. In fact, I was out of town when they moved in but I saw a picture (in the ward photo email directory) from Denver and immediately thought that their family would match up nicely with ours, so before even meeting them I sent her an email and invited them to dinner. Anyway...

Trey and Nathan (our then 3 year olds) became best friends. They were known throughout the ward for walking down the hall at church holding hands and insisting to be next to each other at all times. (This might have had something to do with the fact that we were with them so often.)

Conveniently, a month and a half before we left Madison our friends also left Madison to move to CA. Inconveniently they moved to the Bay area about 8 hours from us, but still, it means the possibility to see them is there. Last week they came to visit us! Yay!

Reunion of best friends (although they did fight quite a bit this time around)
Dal adored her baby (these guys weren't really around in Madison so they didn't get the chance to be friends then.) Dal followed "nanci" (which is what he called the baby) around the whole time they were here and tried to make him laugh:
And here are Jack and sweet Justin. Don't they look adorable?

Can you see how our families match up so well? 3 boys each and all about the same ages: One more shot of the boys:
We had so much fun with them here. I felt like I couldn't stop talking....I just droned on and on. We went to Carl's Jr. to let the kids play and eat lunch and two hours later I was still jabbering away and couldn't believe how fast the time had gone. Love it!

The most "interesting" part of the visit was the trip me and Nanci took with all 6 boys in tow out to dinner Monday night for her birthday (neither husband was with us-Josh was out of town and Ryan had gone home). Let's just say that the old lady who loudly announced to the whole small restaurant as we walked in that "this is going to be a circus" was right.
Food was sort of the center of our fun-homemade ice cream, kabobs, cafe rio salad, brownies, large cookies, dessert crepes, the list could go on. But we also went swimming, played outside, went to Lake Poway and celebrated Nanci's birthday:
Gotta love great friends!


  1. That sounds wonderful!!! I wish she still lived here. Then maybe I would have two friends. :)

  2. Can I just copy and paste this blog entry into mine? You do such a great job with you posts!! We sure did enjoy a lot of good food, that's for sure! But the company was even better! And I especially loved how my birthday cake said "29"!! Thanks Amber for making me feel so young!

  3. Bosom friends are the BEST...and, sadly, very hard to come by. Glad that you got to see yours!

  4. Those boys are so cute!!! All of them. Your families are a PERFECT match, almost unreal. That is so great that you have that special friend in your life.

  5. She really is so sweet! I loved having Nanci's little guys in Primary and getting to meet her at our Amazing Race. :0)
